SISKIYOU COUNTY, Calif. — A warming center has been established in Yreka for residents in Siskiyou County.
County officials announced United Methodist Church, off of North Fairchild St., will be open as a warming center from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on March 7 and March 8.
Transportation is being provided. Officials said pick ups will be nightly at Behavioral Health Services—2060 Campus Drive—at 6:45 p.m. Residents will be bussed back to Behavioral Health Services at 6:45 a.m. County officials say there are no be other pick up/drop off spots available at this time.
Animals are being allowed as long as they are leashed and not causing a problem. Guests utilizing transport are asked to limit belongings to one small, personal bag and a sleeping bag/pillow/blanket if desired. Excessive belonging cannot be transported.
Yreka United Methodist Church at 502 N Fairchild St., in Yreka, Calif.