Star Wars universe fans have spoken - and they want to see a 'Baby Yoda' emoji. The adorable character from the new Disney+ show has been making waves on the air and online. The Mandalorian follows the journey of a...
UPDATE: Mark Hamill, the actor that played Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars films, has tweeted about the man wanted out of Carter County. Hamill tweeted, "The sequel that nobody asked for & no one wants to see. #LarcenousLuke #TheSheriffStrikesBack"...
ELIZABETHTON, Tenn. (WCYB) - Luke Sky Walker, one of four people arrested for stealing signs in Carter County last year, has been arrested for violation of probation, according to authorities. Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in the "Star Wars"...
ASHEVILLE, N. C. (WLOS) — A local hero's legacy lives on in a galaxy far, far away. The maker of Star Wars has created a character in honor of Riley Howell, one of two students killed in at the shooting...
FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — The force was strong enough at an Arizona store to reunite Luke Skywalker with his long-lost vinyl record. Actor Mark Hamill is praising workers at Bookmans Entertainment Exchange in Flagstaff for returning the "Star Wars: A...
SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) -- The final trailer for "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" has arrived. There will be those who delight in the nods to the past with a wink to what the final chapter in the Skywalker...